Texas Skills to Work

WIT resume or State of Texas Application.

  1. Logon to WorkInTexas.com .
  2. Click the tab called MY PORTFOLIO.
  3. In the lower right hand corner of the page, click the VIEW OR PRINT RESUME OR APPLICATION button.
  4. Then:
    To upload your resume:
    1. Note the third section of information, RESUME PRINT FORM, and select PDF.
    2. Click the PREVIEW/PRINT RESUME button. This will open a new window and display your WorkInTexas.com resume.
    3. In that window while viewing your resume, right-click the mouse and select SAVE AS.


    To upload your State of Texas Application:
    1. Click the second tab called STATE OF TEXAS APPLICATION.
    2. Ignore the empty text fields and click the PREVIEW/PRINT STATE OF TEXAS APPLICATION. This will open a new window and display your state application.
    3. In that window while viewing your state application, right-click the mouse and select SAVE AS.

  5. Type in a document name you’ll remember.
  6. Then click on DESKTOP in the list of icons on the left side of the SAVE AS box.
  7. And then click SAVE.
  8. Now, go back to Texas Skills to Work.
  9. Click the UPLOAD YOUR RESUME button.
  10. Click the CHOOSE FILE button.
  11. Find the document you just named and click the OPEN button.
  12. Then click the SUBMIT button.
  13. And the next page should display your uploaded document in a standard text form.
  14. Continue on in Texas Skills to Work. Good luck